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A3. Convergent Design


Kah, is the sound of a snare dancers say out loud to supplement their counting during practice. Kah, is an app for dancers who want to track their progress and share their videos in a safe space that values learning and community over internet fame and virality.

From my own experience as well as the experiences of the two dancers I interviewed, watching videos of oneself practicing choreography, freestyle, and technique combinations are critical to improving dance: three out of three times being called the most effective way to improve dance fast. Thus, it’s nice to have a system that collects, labels, commemorates and shares this personal journey.

The key functions are: posts (videos), upvote, tag, following, following feed, profile, explore, scheduling, dancer/organizer account type, stories, and compilations. Essentially both dancers and organizers can create accounts and share videos to their followers, and dancers can go on the profile page of organizers. They can consume dance videos from their feed, profile, explore page, or by clicking through tags. Additionally they can control their explore recommendations in their settings: a feature that very intentional artists who care to curate their content consumption might value (Interview 2).

Functional Design

concept Posts

Purpose: share video that can be engaged with

Principle: a user shares a video of dance that is associated with data 
    (captions, tags, likes, and comments, user) and shows up in their profile 
    and the feed of other users based on restriction level

    Videos: PostID -> Videos
    Captions: PostID -> string
    Tags: PostID -> {Location: string, Song: string, Accounts: Users, Technique: string}
    Likes: PostID -> Users
    Comments: PostID -> Comments
    Restriction: PostID -> {Public | Private | Personal}

    // user adds a comment during a session
    add_comment(user: Users, body: "string")
        Comments.add{Comment(user, body)}

    // user clicks a tag of the post and views collection

    change_restriction(newRestriction: Restriction)
        Restriction = newRestriction

    // based on restrictions, returns the post

concept Explore

Purpose: recommend videos for user based on user preferences and upvote history (synchronization).

Principle: user manually sets preferences for different metrics (location, genre, 
    age, and etc) and gets a personalized method of ranking relevance of 
    suggested public posts

    all_available_posts: Posts
    upvote_history: user -> Posts
    location_preference: user -> (Number, Number)
    genre_preference: user -> tags
    age: user -> (Number, Number)

    // from a set of viable posts, return ranked list of posts by perceived relevance

concept Tags

Purpose: labels on videos to see in collections of multiple videos

Principle: user issues four types of tags on their own post (song, user, 
    technique, location) that all users can click to see collections of.

    tagCollections: tagID -> Array<PostID>
    type: {songs: songs, users: Users, technique: string, location: string}
    tagName: tagID -> string

    // return tag collection but only posted by given user

    // return tag collection but for all accessible to user in session

concept Compilation

Purpose: let users look back at their progress by automating a video compilation of 
    their posts.

Principle: at time T at the end of the year, all users receive pending post 
    that contains a video compilation/summary of the users videos, tags, and 
    user interactions.

    compilations: userID -> Video

    // generate compilation for user for last year's posts
    generateCompilation(user, date)

concept Scheduler

Purpose: Organizers can add class events to a calendar on their profile, which 
    students can sign up for (reserve a spot on a first come first serve basis)

Principle: when class event becomes available for sign up, capacity number of 
    users can register for the class by clicking on the calendar event on the 

    Calendars: OrganizerID
    Events: EventID -> OrganizerID
    Capacities: EventID -> Capacity
    Registration: EventID -> Users
    EventDate: EventID -> Date

    // based on capacity, current registration, and event date
    isEventAvailable(EventID): True/False

    register(EventID, user)
    addEvent(user, date, capacity)

concept Comments

Purpose: users can leave nested messages under a post.

Principle: user send a comment on a post or comment.

    comment_source: CommentID -> CommentID | PostID


    addComment(user, source: CommentID | PostID)

    getComments(PostID): Comments




Design Iterations

Iteration 1: A3 dependency diagram

Iteration 2: A3 dependency diagram

Design Tradeoffs

Automated vs. Curated Recommendation

Although discovering new non-regional things is a unique benefit of the internet, some dancers don't like the mindless spew of the algorithm (see interviews). Thus there is a mix of automated (upvote/downvote) and manual recommendation tuning as options.

Tracking Data vs. Comparing Statistics

Followers are displayed but hopefully dancers don't compare each others meaningless statistics.

Showing Approval vs. Doom-scrolling

Throwing shoes are the way of liking on this app. As a display of appreciation, hopefully will get people to scroll more meaningfully. Although the endless feed is part of the toxic doom-scrolling phenonmenon in social media.